Monday, 22 September 2008

Story Part 2

It was dark, very dark.
I couldn't see anything; did i mention it was dark?
The last thing i remembered was a bus skidding straight towards me; why had he come onto the pavement anyway?
The bus drivers eyes, light blue and opened in fear glared straight at me.
Even in this gloom i could see them.
Full of guilt, full of fear, full of some other emotion i couldn't quite fathom.
I wondered if that was why i was in darkness?
He'd hit me, and now what?
I was dead?
Come on, death isn't meant to be so dull!
I mean aren't you supposed to go to heaven or something?
Shouldn't I be in heaven if i was dead?
If this was death I'd have a fit, this wasn't all it was cracked up to be!
Ah well, no school at least.
The thought of school brought images to mind; bright classrooms, full of students; the field long and green. The people, my teachers, my friends, my classmates.
And as if by magic...
I was at school, it was like a normal school day.
Except the fact that people where running around and screaming, more than usual i mean.
They seemed oblivious to the fact that i was there. Oh well i preferred it that way.
I walked along to my class room.
Hm, class had already started. But the teacher didn't notice when i walked in, so i slid into my seat and groaned.
Why was i in school? Hadn't i been hit b a bus?
I was in front of the bus, the bus came screeching towards me.
I screamed.
Darkness AGAIN.
What so i was remembering how I'd died? Um sort of died?
I'm confusing myself.
The darkness was getting annoying again. Why was i submerged in darkness?
Why couldn't i remember again?
Anything would be better than this.
And this time i mean anything.
I wonder who the bus driver was... I'd never really paid attention to who he was before.
Again his eyes came into the darkness.
Staring at me.
I wanted to scream at him.
I wanted to shake him and tell him to stop staring.
Because it was scary.
How he just... stared.
Suddenly the eyes where gone and there were voices in my head.
"Oh my god!"
"Someone call an ambulance!"
"Get help!"
"Jess! Wake up Jess!"
Suddenly arms where grabbing me and pulling me into the light, the bright painful light.
I opened my eyes.


Anonymous said...

HEY! Want to join my group?

I have a chat box and everything on my blog, and background music...

Anonymous said...

Nice story.
Write more plz!