Thursday, 25 September 2008


A pretty cool gift.
Being able to tell how others are feeling.
Being able to see things from anothers point of view.
You'd have to be a very strong willed/ minded person to cope with that.
Imagine if you were an empath?
What would you do?
Help the others you can feel suffering?
Ignore everyone and go somewhere where no one will ever find you?
Blame the world for your troubles and cope with the extra emotions.
Would you save the world?

I want to.
A dream shared by many.
I can use empathy, anyone can if they really want to.
I can see how the people who don't help feel.
I can see how those who suffer must feel.
I've joined numerous causes to try and save the world.
But I'm not enough.
If you read this, PLEASE help.
Get your friends to help.
Get your friend's friends to help.
Eventually the world will be saved.
But how is empathy related to this?
Imagine if you could feel how half the people in the world feel.
Slaves, homeless people, those in poverty.
If you felt what they felt you would pobably die right then and there.
You wouldn't be able to cope.
But they do.
They're braver, miles braver, than any of us.
They're brave enough to survive.
Though even the brave need help.
The world needs help.
I need you're help.
We need you're help.
Sitting there reading this.
Go do something!
Even if all you do is tell someone.
Tell them about how we need help.
What harm would it do?
Just passing on a simple message?
But it would do a world of good.
Because knowing is the first step.
Caring is the second.
Doing is the third.

This message summarised;

Open your eyes,
Look at the world around you,
It's a disgrace.
Your world needs you.
It needs saving soon.
Your world needs you.
There are people suffering,
Your world needs you.
Tell someone, anyone,
The world needs you.
Do something.
The world needs you.

Help them
Help those suffering; dying.
Help change the world.
We need you.
You're the only one who can save us.
Tell someone,
Do something.
Save the world.

A pretty ordinary day huh?
I'll post more soon.
Yours Forever

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