Tuesday, 30 September 2008

For Queen and Country

Okay a new career choice has just opened appeared!
I mean I've always thought I'd become an actress or join the army.
But now a new choice has appeared!
Prime Minister/ President.
Depending on which country i decide to live in.
Well what do you have to be able to do to be the leader of a country?
Well you have to be smart.
You have to care about your country.
You have to be good with the law.
Minus a billion check.
You have to be good at making speeches and meaning what you say.
You have to care for the world.
Whoop! Check!
What else do you have to be?
I don't know.
Oh well.
I'll consider it.
I mean I'd make a pretty darn good world leader.
Plus I might actually sort out poverty once and for all!
It's just all the law and campaigning and publicity and being famous.
Just thinking about it makes me uncomfortable.
I have no problem with the press.
Just most of the FREE (For God's sake people we need to sort that out!) world to know your name and who you are.
I could save the world.
But I'd get the credit, and that is the opposite of what i want.
Anyhoo I'll post more soon.

Yours Forever
-Budding Author/ President/ Prime Minister/ Actress

Sunday, 28 September 2008

Monty Python

Right simething else random about me I Love Monty Pythons movies.
My favourite has to be 'The Life of Brian.
God, it cracks meup just thinking about it.
Always look o the bright side of life.
Well, I've got a lot of work to do, so i may not post 4 a while.

Yours Forever

Thursday, 25 September 2008


A pretty cool gift.
Being able to tell how others are feeling.
Being able to see things from anothers point of view.
You'd have to be a very strong willed/ minded person to cope with that.
Imagine if you were an empath?
What would you do?
Help the others you can feel suffering?
Ignore everyone and go somewhere where no one will ever find you?
Blame the world for your troubles and cope with the extra emotions.
Would you save the world?

I want to.
A dream shared by many.
I can use empathy, anyone can if they really want to.
I can see how the people who don't help feel.
I can see how those who suffer must feel.
I've joined numerous causes to try and save the world.
But I'm not enough.
If you read this, PLEASE help.
Get your friends to help.
Get your friend's friends to help.
Eventually the world will be saved.
But how is empathy related to this?
Imagine if you could feel how half the people in the world feel.
Slaves, homeless people, those in poverty.
If you felt what they felt you would pobably die right then and there.
You wouldn't be able to cope.
But they do.
They're braver, miles braver, than any of us.
They're brave enough to survive.
Though even the brave need help.
The world needs help.
I need you're help.
We need you're help.
Sitting there reading this.
Go do something!
Even if all you do is tell someone.
Tell them about how we need help.
What harm would it do?
Just passing on a simple message?
But it would do a world of good.
Because knowing is the first step.
Caring is the second.
Doing is the third.

This message summarised;

Open your eyes,
Look at the world around you,
It's a disgrace.
Your world needs you.
It needs saving soon.
Your world needs you.
There are people suffering,
Your world needs you.
Tell someone, anyone,
The world needs you.
Do something.
The world needs you.

Help them
Help those suffering; dying.
Help change the world.
We need you.
You're the only one who can save us.
Tell someone,
Do something.
Save the world.

A pretty ordinary day huh?
I'll post more soon.
Yours Forever

Story 4

I opened my eyes.
Were was I?
And then I remembered.
I was in hospital.
The anticeptic smell was nausiating, but bearable.
My left leg was numb.
I tried to look around the room, but found I had a head brace.
I struggled to try and sit up but my legs wouldn't move.
Double oh.
I tried to talk, but all that came out was an odd gagging noise.
I'm getting tired of saying 'Oh'.
I tried again, this time I managed to form words, but my voice was an odd rasping tone that sounded... terrifying.
"Water..." I gasped.
There were people in my room, quite a few people actually.
'Cause I'm just popular like that ^_^.
Someone gasoed, "She's awake!"
No duh.
Could someone get me some water?
"Someone get the doctor!"
No! I didn't want the doctor I wanted WATER!
"Whhaaattteerrrr" I gagged.
"What's she saying?"
WATER you dummos!
"Quick get her some water!"
They ran off to get me some water.
I looked around the room.

Wednesday, 24 September 2008


I Love LOST!
I'm totally obsessed with it.
My fav character is Sawyer. ^_^
Then Kate! ~_~
I hate Jack though. Just not my kinda guy.
Sorry Jack.
Oh well.
I haven't seen the 4th Series left *cries*.
I'm getting it on DVD soon though!

Yours Forever
-The totally obsessed fan.

Story 3

I opened my eyes.
Light and dizzying colours hit me hard in the face.
I could make out shapes, moving shapes.
Wailing noises hurt my ears.
People screaming.
People were screaming.
I tried to see past the colours and light; to see what was going on in front of me.
My blood.
The bus driver's blood.
The passengers' blood.
Then there was metal, underneath the blood, with the blood.
The bus.
What had happened?
How could hitting me cause all this?
Maybe hitting me wasn't what had caused this.
What had caused this?
Then it hit me.
A sharp blinding pain, coming from my legs, my chest, my head.
A high shrieking filled my ears.
It was me.
I yelled in horror and pain.
I yelled for as long as I could.
Then the Ambulances came.

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

More Pics!

More Pics!


Yours Forever



Yours Forever


For all of u haven't noticed,
I go to school.
I like my school, it's a pretty cool place.
Why? They don't block my blog!
But since I'm at school I thought I'd type something about it.
Cause I'm just weird that way ^_^

I'm okay at most subjects in school, only thing i don't like is the homework.
Self inflicted torture.
Oh well,
I've got tons of homework and we only just got back!
Ah well.
Patriotic quote of the moment;
There is no good or bad, just people and their points of view.

Yours Forever

Monday, 22 September 2008

Story Part 2

It was dark, very dark.
I couldn't see anything; did i mention it was dark?
The last thing i remembered was a bus skidding straight towards me; why had he come onto the pavement anyway?
The bus drivers eyes, light blue and opened in fear glared straight at me.
Even in this gloom i could see them.
Full of guilt, full of fear, full of some other emotion i couldn't quite fathom.
I wondered if that was why i was in darkness?
He'd hit me, and now what?
I was dead?
Come on, death isn't meant to be so dull!
I mean aren't you supposed to go to heaven or something?
Shouldn't I be in heaven if i was dead?
If this was death I'd have a fit, this wasn't all it was cracked up to be!
Ah well, no school at least.
The thought of school brought images to mind; bright classrooms, full of students; the field long and green. The people, my teachers, my friends, my classmates.
And as if by magic...
I was at school, it was like a normal school day.
Except the fact that people where running around and screaming, more than usual i mean.
They seemed oblivious to the fact that i was there. Oh well i preferred it that way.
I walked along to my class room.
Hm, class had already started. But the teacher didn't notice when i walked in, so i slid into my seat and groaned.
Why was i in school? Hadn't i been hit b a bus?
I was in front of the bus, the bus came screeching towards me.
I screamed.
Darkness AGAIN.
What so i was remembering how I'd died? Um sort of died?
I'm confusing myself.
The darkness was getting annoying again. Why was i submerged in darkness?
Why couldn't i remember again?
Anything would be better than this.
And this time i mean anything.
I wonder who the bus driver was... I'd never really paid attention to who he was before.
Again his eyes came into the darkness.
Staring at me.
I wanted to scream at him.
I wanted to shake him and tell him to stop staring.
Because it was scary.
How he just... stared.
Suddenly the eyes where gone and there were voices in my head.
"Oh my god!"
"Someone call an ambulance!"
"Get help!"
"Jess! Wake up Jess!"
Suddenly arms where grabbing me and pulling me into the light, the bright painful light.
I opened my eyes.

The bus;

The bus that hits Jess was crashed into the pavement.
Is to be revealed^_^

The reason why Jess hates school so much will also be revealed as i right more; which i will be doing ASAP.

Yours Forever

Story part 1

Well the link didn't work so here it is in plain old text.

Note: This is a work in progress; please excuse any typos or mistakes in the text below than you!


Everyone dreams, I dream, you dream, we all dream. What are dreams? No one really knows. Then there are nightmares, a form of dream we all hate, something darker to balance out the good dreams; something bad; something menacing.
Imagine if your dreams where real.
Would it be a good thing? A bad thing? Well no one knows, because thankfully, our dreams aren’t real.
In a dream anything can happen, in a dream you can do whatever you want, that is; if you realise it’s a dream.
Chapter 1
The Start
Secondary School.
The grown up’s way of torturing us.
The grown up’s way of torturing me.
In case you haven’t caught on I hate secondary school; I mean I like my friends and stuff, I just hate everything else. I hate the teachers, I hate the lessons, I hate the work! Especially the work. I mean, who wants to do work all day? It’s crazy! Madness! Whoever came up with school deserves to be shot.
I’m Jess, Jess Field.
The greatest person ever; round of applause please… Thank you, thank you very much. *cough* yes well, maybe I’m not but I can wish can’t I? Well anyway school sucks.
I would do anything not to go to school. Well almost anything. So I mean when the bus was late how could I be upset? Walking with my friends who also took the bus would make us late; and we had a valid excuse.
I walked along the pavement chatting happily to my friend Lauren. Today was a lovely day; the sun was out, the birds where singing blah, blah, blah… And woopdy doo there where storm clouds hovering over the school, ironic huh? Well the weather seemed to follow my mood. Go me.
Well I wonder if I got really angry; would lightning hit the school? Knowing my luck it’d completely miss the school and hit me.
We were almost at school now, I stopped to prolong the moment of freedom, my friends carried on walking. I sighed again and turned to look back at the way we’d come, right back into the bus driver’s eyes just before he hit me.

On a cheerier note.

I realise I can meake people feal vile,
Sorry, it's just the way I get people to do something.
So as a sort of appology I'm going to start posting pasts of a story.
And I'll post a link later.

Any views expressed in the story are fictional.
All the characters and ideas are fictional.
Plesase don't be offended by anything you read.

Yours Forever

Sunday, 21 September 2008

I'm on a role!

I just can't stop blogging can I?
Well I realised that according to my profile i have a message to pass on.
It's a big 'un so I'll summarise it for now.
Oh and if you have done stuff this isn't aimed at you.

What are we? Nothing.
We shouldn't do anything to help the world, we should leave it to others.
What has the world done for us? Nothing.
Why should we even care?
It's not our fault, it's not our problem.


How dare you sit there!
How. Dare. You!
You disgust me! You appal me!
I mean you.
There are people dying, people suffering, because YOU sit there!
You haven't done anything.
You selfish brat!
The world doesn't freaking matter!
This is all your fault.
This is happening because of YOU!
If YOU actually got off your stupid seat and did something the world would be fine!
There wouldn't be slaves, There wouldn't be poverty!
The world hasn't done a damn thing for you BECAUSE you haven't done anything for it!
Ever thought you were special? Hm?
Ever thought you were a good person?
You were WRONG!
You aren't special, because YOU haven't done ANYTHING!
You aren't a good person if you haven't done anything.
If you do, you're not a bad person.
If you do something then you're no longer a monster; we're all one once.
If YOU do something, get someone else to do something,
The world will be saved.
We all will be saved. Because of You.
If you do something stop reading now.
If you don't keep reading.

This is a true story;
Jessica Allery celebrated her fourteenth birthday last week.
She's a girl, who lives in Africa.
Well she was.
Jessica Allery disappeared two years ago.
She was taken by slave dealers and forced to make food for us.
She reappeared three months ago.
Beaten badly, close to death, her soul shattered.
The bright happy ten year old was gone.
A girl who was scared of her own reflection and anything that moved came back.
She was ill and had serious breathing problems.
Jessica Allery died two days ago.
She died because not enough people cared.
Not enough people did something.
Almost no one realised Jessica was missing.
And so this girl, so like you, so like me was forgotten.
Because you didn't do anything.
Because i didn't do anything.

If you've ever lost someone dear to you remember that pain,
Imagine all the pain you cause the world by not doing anything.
Imagine if you could stop the dear one from dying.
You would do anything.
So why not do something?
We let the world suffer.
We need to start doing something.
YOU need to do something.

Get why I'm a patriot?
Yours Forever

A little Poem for you

I'm a Maximum Ride fan,
Who's not?
I follow their blog, its good all you who don't well you haven't lived yet.
Sorry if you don't like it, I'm a bit OTT sometimes.
One thing I haven't mentioned is I'm also a poet.
Guess what i right poetry about?
You got it anything depressing, death related or about poverty slavery etc.
I love my life.
Well just to prove it.
Here's something off the top of my head;

The heart of this place,
They just don't care do they?
This is my home too,
Why destroy this world?
Why hurt so many when you can save them?
Because you're a monster.
Destroying this world.
Why don't you do anything?
You can't be freaking bothered.
You're a destroyer too.
Yes you.
Stop! I beg you Stop!
Your Destruction.
My Destruction.
Our Destruction.
It's our world.
Why can't we stop destroying it?

Sorry if I gave you a guilt trip, my bad if i did.
See what I mean?

Yours Forever


Hey all,
Well this is my first entry so...
Lets dive right in there,
I'm a budding author/ patriot.
Yup, I can create a damn good speech. I can also make people feel really, really, really guilty, scared or sad.
It's a gift ^_^
Anyway I'm going to post things I find interesting, maybe I'll even post stories as I write them, and no jokes I'm a pretty good story writer.
A patriotic story writer!
Watch out world I'm coming right at ya!

I'll post more ASAP

Yours Forever