Thursday 2 June 2011


I have this thing that I do. When I say something- do something- I always foresee these different consequences. I see these different paths; possibilities that my action could take. It’s like I’ve imagined my own future. There’s no trend. There’s no pattern. Sometimes what I see will be wonderful a happy conversation or reunion between some friends and myself. Others, well let’s say they’re not so happy. Arguments. Cruel words. Retorts and thoughts that I wish by god to never be true.
They never are. Every time I imagine a conversation, foresee saying something to someone, it never happens. I know that once I’ve thought about it, that the possibility of it actually taking place has become impossible.
I imagine things a lot. I think it's called paranoia.
When you imagine something, and then start to believe it to the point where you start denying to yourself that it isn't true.
It must be true, it feels true.

I just hate it when despite the fact you 'imagined' it, others get to prove just how it can become incredibly real.

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