Friday, 17 October 2008


My best and worst subject.
(okay not as bad as technology and science; but i do well in those and hating them doesn't make them my worst subjects, just my worst nightmare)
I can write poetry, speeches and stories.
But that's about it.
I despise anything uncreative.
I adore anything creative.
So my favourite subjects are;
(from best to worst)
Maths- shock horror!
English- uncreative
Brussel Sprouts

Who can guess what subject i despise?
Ah well
Post more soon

Yours Forever


Max said...

hey, i really haven't thought of making a email but i did and i saw your name and i thought it was awesome. please right back


Sky said...

omg, i cant believe it sky, you and me have the same names!! anyway thats not why i said omg, i meant omg!! sky, you just had maximum ride, like the real max, leave you a comment i want her as a friend can you ask her for her email and send it to me plez thanks!

- the other sky in cali :)

Anonymous said...

Science, I think it's science... Hi Max.

Max said...

hi chocolate lover, nudge likes chocolate too, heck, we all do!

-max to chocolate lover

Anonymous said...

Cool. OH MY GOD!!! YOU ANSWERED!!!!! O.k, first of all wow, I love your books!!! Your my fav person/character. Second of all, you and Fang need to get together, that's final, seriously, what's taking so long? Well, answer soon.

Max said...

Wow, i didn't think you would actually be on and right back. sorry i didn't right back fast enough fang doesn't share his laptop and my laptop just went battery dead:) really think i should get with fang? i mean for god sake he cares more about his blog than me!
Fly on
-max to chocolate lover(again)

Anonymous said...

*frowns* Were did you get that idea, or is that sarcasm? Anyway, news, I would like to know when the sixth book is coming out, and the movie, I been talking to my dad about it. Why don't you comment on the newest post? That way I don't have to scroll down so far... Just a sugesstion...

Sky said...

Umm...that was sarcasm, i dont really think he likes me though. the movie is coming out november something i forgot i think it is the 12. the book is coming out i think march? @.@ i really know when you are running all over new york...again. ok i will comment on the first one now, i write another one on the first one right now:)

Fly on

-Max to chocolate lover(for the third time) :)

Max said...

Hey what gives! i'm max sky!!! i mean the name sky is right there!! dont worry chocolate lover i'll go to the first one soon :)

Fly on
-max (not the fake one with the name SKY on it, give me a break!)