Tuesday 20 January 2009

I'd like to apologise......

I know i haven't blogged in ages, but hey i've been busy.
With a really BIG english assignment;


In all the lands I have been,
A greater musician never I’ve seen,
Head held high she stalks the land,
Upon her horse harp in hand,
Her fine gold hair in a braid,
A lithe white dress adorns the maid,
Her appearance is a shocking sight,
For while she may be short in height,
A greater lady’d be hard to find,
For she is strong in look and strong in mind,
Her voice is wondrous to hear,
Bright with melody, she sings clear,
Delicate features behold her face,
And with herself she holds such grace,
Her laugh is blithe in sweet delight,
And I believe that I am right,
In saying there’s no happier girl,
In this whole entire blessed world.

:) hope you like
I've never wtitten a story in rhyme so... well the above is the result :D
I'll try to blog ASAP!

Yours Forever


HaNdPrInT_oN_tHe_WiNdOw said...

i love your blog :D


Dontkillchic said...

why does everything have to be so long....